107 Philosophical Questions That Will Make You Think & Elicit Debate
Philosophy Defined
Philosophy is the study of fundamental problems related to knowledge, values, mind, language, reason, and existence. The term "philosophy" is believed to have been coined by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and translates to "love of wisdom." In simplistic terms, it is associated with activities people engage in to gain a deeper understanding of life (through wisdom).
Here are 107 philosophical questions that are guaranteed to elicit deep and meaningful discussions. Feel free to share your views and opinions in the comments section.
Philosophical Questions About Happiness
- What is the meaning of a good life?
- Is it more important to be respected or liked?
- Have we become less happy in this age of technology?
- Are humans obligated to better themselves, and will that make them happier?
- Is having a big ego a negative or positive trait?
- Is the most important purpose in life to find happiness?
- Does life require a purpose and a goal?
- What is happiness?
- Is it easier to love or to be loved?
- Do acts of kindness have a motive?
- Is love a physical desire? Or is it something more?
- Does evil come from within? If so, why?
- Are people in this current generation less or more sensitive than people from past generations?
- What is true friendship?
- Can achieving nothing make a person happy?
- Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?
- If everyone spoke their mind, would the world be a better place?
- Is there a perfect life?
- Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?
- Does utilizing time properly make our lives meaningful and happy?
- Can life be meaningful without friends?
- How do you know if you love someone enough to marry them?
- Do numbers in a bank account make people happy?
- Is living life to the fullest possible?
- Can spirituality make you a happy person?
- Is being obsessive about someone or something a good thing?
- Are highly intelligent people less happy than individuals with average intelligence?
- Is there an absolute way to attain a happy state of mind?
- Does living your life for others make your life have meaning?
- Do knowledge and understanding make you content and happy as a person?
Impossible Philosophical Questions
- Does fate exist?
- Does an ideal government exist?
- Does life have a reason?
- Are there limitations to free speech?
- Are we a minuscule part of intelligent life in the universe?
- Does free will exist, or is every action predetermined?
- What is human consciousness?
- Why do we do things we do not like to do?
- Do atheists make their own gods?
- Can artificial intelligence be creative?
- If judgment is for God, why do we pass judgment?
- Can religious beliefs affect scientific thinking?
- Will a world without reliance on modern technology make any progress?
- Is human potential capable of anything?
- Is death a new beginning?
- Why does God not intervene when evil takes root in people?
- Does belief make God exist?
- Will robots take over the world in the future?
- Does the path to salvation lie within us?
- Are beliefs and superstitions the same?
- Are we the biggest threat to humanity?
- Do parallel universes exist?
- How does one find purpose in life?
- If aliens attack, what will we do?
Deep Philosophical Questions
- Do guns protect or kill people?
- Will racism cease to exist?
- Why is beauty associated with morality?
- Why do we respect the dead more than the living?
- Does God have supreme power?
- Will the world be a better place if caste and religion cease to exist?
- What is the meaning of true love?
- What's more important: doing the right thing or doing things right?
- Do we love ourselves more in the virtual world and less in the real world?
- Is humanity doomed to head in a destructive direction?
- Should full access to the internet be a fundamental right?
- Is peace the only way to stop war?
- Can memories be erased?
- Is religion conceptualized by one's own belief system?
- Will the world come to an end by human hands?
- Intelligence or wisdom, what's more important for a better world?
- Is true beauty subjective or objective?
- Do thoughts control who we are?
- What is the extent of freedom human beings should have?
- What is the meaning of rich and poor in the modern world?
- Do we control technology, or is technology controlling us?
- Will a curb on buying guns and arms reduce the number of shooting sprees in the world?
- Do we change when we have power?
- Will technological advances wipe out humanity?
- Does understanding philosophy lead to progress?
- Is there a species more advanced than humans in the universe?
- If all the currencies in the world did not have monetary value, would our world be a much better place?
- Is it possible time is being altered right now?
- Would this world be better or worse without teachers and formal education?
- Why do we throw away food when we know people are dying of hunger?
- Will time travel be possible in the future?
- Does the English language make us feel superior to other countries?
- Will artificial intelligence increase human lifespans in the future?
- Does awareness of consciousness have benefits?
- Do thoughts have a pattern?
- Will stricter laws make the world a better place?
- Are we losing our right to privacy?
- Is limiting immigration to developed countries right?
- Does faith make belief stronger?
- Why can't every person be a genius?
- Is there freedom in creativity and art in the modern age?
- Do the simple things become complexities when we try to attain perfection?
- Will concepts and theories in regard to religion becoming obsolete come true?
- Is blind belief more prevalent in holy, spiritual, and pious people?
- Can dreams be associated with the unforeseen future?
- If we live in a civilized world, why do we see so many distinctions between rich and poor?
- Is there intent behind every action?
Philosophical Questions About Death
- Do ghosts and spirits of our deceased loved ones exist, or are they only mental projections?
- How can we be sure there is (or isn't) life after death?
- If death is inevitable, why bother doing anything?
- Is there such a thing as a good death?
- How can we know for sure that there is an afterlife?
- How do you properly say goodbye to someone who has died?
The Importance of Philosophy
Individuals who study philosophy constantly analyze, debate, and rationalize to understand the world around them. Philosophical questions encourage individuals to think on a deeper level, which helps them understand various facets of life.
While many people think of philosophy as something only pretentious academics talk about, there are plenty of ways to use a philosophical way of thinking in real-life situations.
What makes philosophical questions popular is the awakening they bring about in a thought process. Philosophical questions produce answers from people who come from different walks of life; however, none of the answers have conviction or a definitive explanation that makes perfect sense.
Every individual tries to analyze and interpret philosophical questions in their own way. Questions about philosophy make us wonder and think differently, leading to a positive discussion.
The complexities of philosophical questions do not arise in the questions, but rather in our inability to comprehend rational thinking based on simple logic. All answers pertaining to life, knowledge, reason, and existence lie within us unexplored.
It's only when we are faced with a question that our inner eye is awakened. When we answer philosophical questions, we try to think outside the box. In contrast, brainstorming sessions only make answers sound sophisticated. They often lack substance and substantial conviction.
Questions that spark discussions involve compelling and intellectually stimulating answers. They bring out varied perspectives on philosophy and the analytical theories surrounding it.
The best way to find answers to philosophical questions is to understand the relevance of truth, reason, and existence in life.
Questions & Answers
Question: Why are we dying to live if we're living to die?
Answer: Death is not the end. It’s a new beginning in the unknown.
Question: Is there a perfect life?
Answer: Belief about a perfect life is conceptual. There is imperfection in every creation. We can strive towards making life perfect to better ourselves.
Question: How can you convince a non-believer that God exists?
Answer: You cannot convince a non-believer God exists. You can talk about God to a non-believer. A non-believer needs to be convinced through his/her own understanding, faith and belief.
Question: Why does God never appear?
Answer: Faith and belief differ. We either believe or we don’t. For those who believe in a higher power, God is omnipresent. Every act of compassion and kindness is associated with God's presence. Since man first walked earth there have been numerous instances where God has appeared to people in different forms or visions.
Question: Does time have a beginning or end?
Answer: Neither. Interaction with time is associated with infinity, space and matter. Fundamentally, our experience with time changes constantly, but time as a dimension does not have beginning or end, it’s boundless. Perception in regard with time and space is conceptually arbitrary. However, if a parallel universe does exist it may well change norms, understanding and belief in regard with time through progressive theories and research.
Question: What can be considered idiosyncratic but also be considered systemically important in a world of material prosperity and spirituality, in regards to the facts behind faithful science and beliefs?
Answer: An inner awakening that comes from realization. It brings about a change in perspective that affects our world positively.
Question: If depression is so common why do we think about it to be different?
Answer: Truth is, we do not think about it to be different, we just think differently. When preconceived mindsets are unlocked a whole new perspective makes reality beautiful. The power to overcome lies within us.
Question: I am tutoring classical languages and also philosophy this school year. My students are 17 and 18 years old. Which of Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Friedrich Nietzsche, Descartes do you find to be the most appropriate for 17 and 18-year-olds, in this day and age?
Answer: While there is something to learn from every philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche’s body of work, in my opinion, is exemplary. His critique of truth in favor of perspectivism and his concepts on irony and aphorism would connect with students of this age in a realistically relatable way.
© 2018 Ansel Pereira
Danielle on March 18, 2020:
God "does not" intervene because humans don't allow him to. He wants to help us without forcing us. He has tried more times than anyone can think to manifest himself and shown he wants to save people. He knocked on the door, but no one opened for those that said he doesn't save. He could just come down and change stuff and order minds all day but that violates His allowance of free human will. Nothing is ever forced.
Emily on March 11, 2020:
This has me thinking
Nick Gemuend on February 13, 2020:
I think dreams can predict the future.
NANI!?!?!?!?! on January 24, 2020:
Is there a perfect life? No. Trump's president
Ultron on January 23, 2020:
Are we controlled by technology? I AM ULTRON
DonRicos DeLeone on January 21, 2020:
anonymous on January 06, 2020:
The perfect government is one which has it's people's best interest in mind, free of lobbyists, foreign interests, and corruptible power. A government can only be as bad as it's populace allows or fears of it. The best government is always afraid of angering it's people, but it's people must be in agreement with themselves, they must have common beliefs and cultures to unite themselves from any malevolent actors seeking to divide the populace to strengthen their rule.