Deadly Beads and Carnivorous Toilets: 5 Disturbing Plants
We depend upon plants for oxygen, food, medicine and building materials - but not every plant fits this wholesome mould. From the weird to the deadly, here are 5 disturbing plants including pitcher plants who moonlight as toilets and toxic seeds used as beads...
A Comprehensive Guide to Crop Identification
In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to identify some of the most common crops produced in the United States.
The 7 Strangest Flowers Worldwide
Nature has an incredible variety of plant life, and some flowers stand out for their unusual and sometimes bizarre characteristics. This article explores the strangest flowers on earth.
Identifying 8 Less Common, Native Michigan Trees Showing Autumn Colors
A profile of 8 Michigan native tree, less common than dominant species oaks and maples, yet significant. Identifying information and photographs provided, plus interesting facts; features autumn colors. Michigan shares these species with many Northeastern and some South and Midwestern states.
Facts About the Banana Plant-Description, Types and Uses
The banana plant is a tropical flowering plant. It is a tree-like herb and has a pseudo-stem. Bananas are fruits that are sweet and can be eaten as-is or used to make desserts and smoothies. This article will give an in-depth look into this plant.
Facts About Plum Trees: Description, Varieties, and Uses
Plum trees are valued for their juicy fruits and ornamental beauty. The plums vary in shape, size, and color depending on the variety. They are rich in vitamin C, minerals, and potassium. They can be used to make jams, jellies, juice, and other desserts.
The Endemic Orchids of Madagascar
Madagascar is home to over 1,000 species of orchids, of which about 85% are endemic due to a combination of unique geographical, climatic, and evolutionary factors.
The Art of Accurately Describing Leaves for Identification
Leaves are essential to plant survival and play a crucial role in the Earth's ecosystem. They are a fundamental part of the process of photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration, and plant growth. But if you were walking through the woods and picked one up, could you describe it accurately?
Discovering the Unique, Fruit-Bearing Jabuticaba Tree
The Jabuticaba tree is truly amazing. Although it is native to Brazil, people who live in USDA growing zones 9–11 can successfully grow these fascinating trees.
Genetic Modification vs. Hybridization for Selective Plant Breeding
A discussion about the differences between open pollination, heirlooms, F1 hybrids, and GMOs. A basic understanding helps us make informed decisions when selecting food. Is organic better? Learn what the terminology and labels really mean.
Facts About Sunflowers: History, Description, Types, and Uses
Sunflowers are commercially and ornamentally valuable plants. These plants are herbaceous annuals belonging to the family Asteraceae. They are native primarily to North America. Some species are cultivated as ornamentals for vases and bouquets, and some are grown for their edible seed and oil.
8 Types of Grass: Different Types of Grass Explained
This article explores eight types of grass, including one that is striped and one that has a red tint.
4 Plants That Don't Have Chlorophyll
This article will discuss four types of plants that lack chlorophyll.
Geranium (Pelargonium) Anatomy and Plant Parts
If you love geraniums, you may want to familiarize yourself more with this plant's anatomy and the names of particular parts. Let's take a trip to discover more about pelargonium anatomy.
10 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
This article includes facts (and photos) about 10 of the most beautiful and spectacular flowers in the world. In this piece, we'll discuss their characteristics, identifiable traits, and natural habitat.
6 Hardest Trees in the World (With Photos)
Learn facts about the six hardest trees in the world. You'll also learn about the Janka test, a method of testing wood's hardness.
Japanese Knotweed Facts and Problems: A Lovely Enemy
Japanese knotweed has some interesting features. Outside of its native habitat, it's often classified as invasive and a major nuisance that needs to be removed.
Spring Flowers of the Pacific Northwest: Facts and Photos
The coastal range of the Pacific Northwest area of North America has beautiful flowers in spring. In this article, I feature pictures of and describe ten of these interesting floral species.
10 Most Beautiful Flowering Plants From the Philippines
This article features ten of the most beautiful plants in the Philippines. Continue reading to learn about some of the country's most beautiful plants, including one that resembles coral and another one with massive blooms.
Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
This article showcases some of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Read on to find a vine that looks like jadestone and stone-like succulent plants.
The Amaryllis Plant: Facts, Growth, and Care
Amaryllis plants are ornamental plants popular for their bright colors and large flowers. The amaryllis varieties bloom in beautiful colors of red, white, pink, and salmon. These plants are easy to grow and provide weeks of bloom time indoors as potted plants or cut flowers.
A Guide to Ohio’s 13 Native Milkweed Species
There are 13 native species of milkweed that occur in Ohio. This guide will help you to identify them.
Caffeine Facts, Actions, and Effects in Humans and Bumblebees
Caffeine is a potentially useful chemical for humans and has interesting actions in our body. It can also help bumblebees deal with a harmful fungal infection.
Common Michigan Conifers: Cedars, Firs, the Hemlock, and the Tamarack
This article provides information on Michigan's commonest conifer trees other than the spruces or pines, including the White and Red Cedars, the White and Balsam Firs, the Hemlock, and the Tamarack (Larch) tree. Quality photos assist with identification.
Facts About the Desert Rose: Description, Adaptation, and Care
This article gives facts about the desert rose, including how to care for the plant.
4 Most Common Spruce Trees of Michigan
Identifying 4 most common Michigan spruce trees shared with the Central and Northeastern regions of the United States and Canada. Includes the Norway spruce, white spruce, black spruce and blue spruce. Quality photos and photo drawings assist in identification.
Catnip Insect Repellent and the Function of TRPA1 Channels
Catnip contains nepetalactone. The chemical repels mosquitoes via its action on their TRPA1 channels. We contain these channels, but catnip doesn’t affect them.
10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
From South Africa's bird of paradise to the lotus flower found across Africa, Asia, and Australia, these are ten of the most beautiful flowers in the world.
Crash Course: Cannabis 101
Understand the basics of the botany of cannabis, the science behind "getting high," possible forms of consumption, and know what a "pothead" would consider weed culture to be.
5 Most Common Pine Trees of Michigan
Here are descriptions and illustrations of the five most common pine trees of Michigan: Jack Pine, Scots Pine, Red Pine, Austrian Pine, and White Pine.
Interesting Facts About the Neem Tree: Description and Uses
The neem tree, also known as Indian lilac and margosa, is an evergreen tree in the mahogany family. Check out some fun facts about this fascinating tree.
10 Fun Facts About Trees
Trees are among the world's tallest living things, reaching heights of over 100 meters. The importance of these organisms is as the primary source of our sustenance: food, oxygen, shelter, woods, etc. This article will teach you some interesting facts about trees that you may not have known before.
Identifying 13 Common Native Michigan Trees Showing Autumn Colors
Identifying the thirteen most common deciduous native Michigan big-trees (also common in the Northeastern and Central regions of the US and Canada), including interesting facts. Quality photos accompany identifying features, including summer and autumn leaf photos.
20 Most Beautiful Native Flowers of the Philippines
This article includes images, photos, facts, and scientific names of the most beautiful flowers found in the Philippines.
Avocado Trees and Fruits: Botanical and Historical Facts
Avocado trees produce appealing and nutritious fruits. The plants have some interesting botanical features, and their historical background is intriguing.
9 Amazing Spring-Flowering Trees
Learn about nine popular spring-flowering tree varieties with identifying photos, facts, and grow tips.
Willow Trees and Shrubs: Interesting and Useful Plants
Willows are lovely plants with interesting features and uses. They make salicin, the forerunner of aspirin, and miyabeacin, which may fight some types of cancer.
How Do Roots Work? Functions, Structure, and Human Uses
Learn the four different functions of roots, the different parts of roots, and their importance in human life. Also, explore how water is absorbed by plants' roots, as well as some unusual types of specialized root systems.
Goat’s Rue Plant, Metformin, and Medication Action in the Body
Goat's rue contains a chemical called galegine. Studying galegine enabled scientists to create a medication called metformin, which has multiple methods of action.
Interesting Facts About Maple Trees: Description and Uses
Maple trees belong to the genus Acer and the family Sapindaceae. Maple trees are admired for their stunning display of fall leaf colors. This article is an in-depth look at the red maple, sugar maple, and silver maple trees.
Top 8 Freaky Facts About Fungus
Do you think your barbeque mushroom skewer is safe? Alright, it is. But those delicious caps have some pretty badass cousins.
The Beautiful Water Hyacinth: An Invasive Plant and a Biofuel
Water hyacinth is a beautiful and invasive plant that causes major problems. It has the ability to act as a great biofuel, especially when combined with cow dung.
Plant Extracts That May Fight Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance
Research shows that four plant extracts inhibit the growth of some dangerous bacteria in the lab. Three of them may have been helpful in the American Civil War.
The Atlas Cedar: Cedrus Atlanticus
Atlas Cedars are beautiful trees with different-colored pinecones. They are an important part of the environment for both humans and animals.
5 Dazzling Desert Flowers of Saudi Arabia
Flamboyant flowers of wonderful colors, shapes and forms dominate the Saudi Arabian desert in springtime. The "barren" terrain is teeming with a unique flora that delights plant enthusiasts and nature lovers.
The Care and Feeding of Rutabagas
A humble, misunderstood, and unappreciated vegetable, the rutabaga needs a spin doctor to improve its image; I am not here to provide that service.
Jackfruit Facts, Cacao Trees, and a Replacement for Cocoa
Jackfruit trees produce huge fruits. Cacao seeds are used to make cocoa, but the trees are in trouble. Jackfruit seed powder may be a good substitute for cocoa.
42 Facts About Western Red Cedar in Nature and Culture
Western red cedar (or redcedar) is a common and interesting tree in the Pacific Northwest area of North America. It was once important in First Nations culture.
The Manchineel Tree: The Most Dangerous Tree on Earth?
The poisonous manchineel tree is possibly the most dangerous tree on Earth. One bite of its fruit may prove fatal. In this article, you'll learn about its toxicity, basic characteristics, and potential benefits.
America's Vanished Treasures: The American Chestnut Tree
The fate of an American landmark is one of the saddest stories in recent history. The American Chestnut tree was an integral part of the forest landscape when settlers arrived on American shores. However, after an airborne virus was introduced, the trees were wiped out by the billions.