Computer Science
400 Best Teams Names for Hackathon Competitions
This article showcases the best team names for hackathon competitions, along with a detailed perspective on how to get creative with ideas while selecting team names for your hackathon group.
Which Coding Language Should Beginners Learn First?
Beginner programmers often ask what language they should learn first. JavaScript, Python and C++ are often recommended but they are not always the best depending on the programmer's skills and career goals.
CSS for Technical Writers: Customize Color Palettes of Your HTML5 Documentation
Technical writers can enhance the look and feel of their HTML5 user guides with the help of CSS. Most authoring tools come with built-in tools to quickly modify the settings. However, knowing how to tweak the CSS properties and values can prove beneficial and add more flexibility to the project.
How to Generate a Key and Certificate Request Using OpenSSL
An in-depth guide on generating a key and certificate request using OpenSSL in Unix and what each command means.
How to Open a File in Terminal or Command Prompt (Windows, MacOS, & Unix)
Learn how to open files in terminal across various operating systems including MacOS, Linux, and Windows. Find out how to view text files, PDFs, and even images directly from your terminal.
C# MenuStrip Control Explained
C# MenuStrip Controls allows you to add menus to your application. In this article, we will learn how to create Menu, MenuItem, and handle click event of the Menu item.
How to Add Basic CSS to Your HTML5 Project for Technical Writers
CSS allows technical writers to style their HTML5 help. Understanding CSS gives you more control over your project and considerably reduces dependence on web developers. Here, I list three ways technical writers can incorporate CSS into projects.
3 Ways to Add CSS to Your HTML Pages
Different ways to link or write CSS in an HTML document
A Simple Guide to Using Markdown
Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages in use. It can be used to create everything from web pages to technical documents, readme files, and even books.
JavaFx Stage Styles
In this JavaFx example, we will explore different types of JavaFx Stage Styles. We we explore Decorated, undecorated, Utility and Transparent with an example for each.
Traffic Data Pipeline and Warehouse
This article details a project to build a data pipeline and warehouse for traffic data collected by a city traffic department using swarm UAVs (drones), with the goal of improving traffic flow.
Sorting in React JS
This guide will show you the basics of sorting in React JS and how to create a simple sortable list.
Conditional Styling in React JS
This article will offer a complete guide to conditional styling in React JS.
How to Create an Animated Accordion With React JS
This article will show you how to create an animated accordion with React JS and React Spring! Includes step-by-step instructions and visuals.
How to Read Data From a File in Python
Learn how to read text files in Python using advanced data structures: numpy arrays and pandas dataframes.
How to Create a JavaScript Modal Image Gallery
A step-by-step tutorial on how to create a modal gallery with JavaScript.
The UseRef Hook in React Js
This article will provide information on the useRef hook in React JS and its uses and show a demo that will take user input and save it in a reference or ref. You will also learn how to create persisted mutable values with the useRef hook.
How to Create a Counter in React JS
This article is a simple and comprehensive tutorial that teaches how to create a counter in React JavaScript.
How to Type Common Math Symbols on a Windows Keyboard
Learn three ways to type common math symbols on a Windows keyboard. One way is using the character map application program on your computer. Other ways are using shortcuts with alt-codes and features on Microsoft Word. All are described in this article.
Edit or Add to PATH Environment Variable in Windows 10
A how-to guide for adding to your PATH environment variable in the Windows 10 operating system. Python is used as an example throughout this tutorial, but it can easily be adapted to work for any application you're looking to add to your PATH variable.
How to Do the Best CSS Reset When Designing a Website
A CSS reset allows you to set the properties for certain HTML tags to zero to override the web browser's default style. Learn how to implement the best CSS reset.
MadCap Flare for Coding Beginners: How to Apply Basic CSS
If you are a technical writer or author who is a novice in coding or programming but would like to learn how to apply basic CSS to HTML pages on MadCap Flare, here is a very basic intro and tutorial to get you started. Learn how to make simple design changes to your project stylesheets.
How to Find Occurrences of a Character in a String Using Ruby
This guide will show you three methods for finding the occurrences of a particular character in a string of Ruby code. Code examples are provided for each method. The three methods covered in this article are count, scan, and index.
How to Instantiate and Destroy a GameObject in Unity
Not every GameObject is going to stick around forever. Discover how to both produce and demolish those extraneous sprites here.
How to Fade a GameObject in Unity
Need to make your hero disappear? This is how you get it done, C# style.
Blazor Component Dynamics: Static List (Components as Items)
This article will show how Blazor components can be used as list items. Read on for everything you need to know about a static list.
Blazor Component Dynamics: Interactive List (Edit Items)
Exploring the use of components in Blazor for lists and editing items in them. Read on for everything you need to know.
Labview: Using Queues to Control Program Flow & Provide Structure
Follow an example of using Queues to provide structure and control to a program. Learn how to send, receive, and process messages in a Queue and how Queues can help when it comes to expanding existing programs.
Automation: Creating Boards, Lists, & Cards Using Python & the Trello API
Learning about automation? Read on to learn how to use Python and the Trello API to automate boards, lists, and cards creation.
Siemens TIA Portal: Using Variants & Structures to Build Dynamic Function Blocks
Learning how to use Siemens TIA portal? This article demonstrates how to use Variants with structures to create dynamic blocks that can handle different data sets. Read on for my full explanation.
Building a Sexual Content Filter Using Python, Flask, and Docker
Trying to filter out sexual content? Need a good sexual content filter? You can build one yourself. Learn how to do so using Python, Flask, or Docker in this article.
How to Become Invisible on Camera With Effects
Would you like to become invisible? I experimented to see if I could see through objects on my webcam by making colors transparent. Learn how invisibility works and how to easily become invisible using an invisibility effect. Contains expert results.
Python: Find Length of a List With "Len()"
Learning Python? You'll need to know how to find the length of a list. Use the built-in function len() to find the length or size of a list, which is Python's version of an array. Read on for my full explanation.
Apache Maven Tutorial for Java Projects
Apache Maven is an essential build tool for Java projects. Learn how to install Maven on Windows and Linux Fedora, how to start a project, and more.
Using Single and Multi-Dimensional Arrays in C# and Unity3D
Arrays can be tricky to get your head around when you first start coding in C#. Fortunately, they're not all that complicated.
Cascading Style Sheet: Focus on the Inline Style
Deciding how to style a document in CSS? Look no further. There are three methods used to style a document. This article will elaborate on the inline style. Read on for everything you need to know about the inline style.
Building a Rest Api Using Node.js, Pm2, and Docker
Beginner-level hands-on tutorial on how to build a simple Rest API using Node.js, PM2, and Docker.
PLC Basics: Terminology
Starting off in the world of Automation and PLC programming can be daunting, especially when reference material refers to terminology that isn't immediately obvious. This article aims to be an aid to those who want to understand and use the correct terminology for PLC programming.
Meteor JavaScript Guide: Installation & Creating Your First App
This is a beginner's guide to Meteor JavaScript. I’ll walk you through the installation so you can get started with your first web app framework.
PLC Basics: Working With Arrays
Studying PLC? What are arrays and how can you use them to maximise your programs efficiency? This article explains the benefits of using arrays and how different languages handle arrays.
PLC Basics: Ladder Logic Common Functions
Ladder logic is one of the most used languages in PLC programming. There are a million different ways of achieving end solutions, but there are some functions and patterns that every beginner should know about.
How to Make a Personal Question & Answer Search Engine in HTML & JavaScript
A personal search engine can make it easy to find info that's hard to remember. Learn how to make your own Q&A search engine or just copy/paste the code into a web page.
SQL Server 2005: Creating Database in SQL Server and Understanding Data Storage
In this article, we will create a Database using SQL Server Management Studio. First, we will create the T-SQL and run that script to create the Database. We will also look at Allocation Blocks.
Multi-Select and Checked List Box in C# Explained With Example
In this article, we will create an example to explore a multi-select checked listbox in C-Sharp Windows form application. Each list box item is a checkbox.
Walk-Through: Create an Auto Complete Text Box in C#
In this short article, we will create an auto complete text box in C# Windows form. When a user types the first few letters, the text box provides options to complete.
Performing Form Fade-out in C# With an Example
In this example, we will create a c-sharp windows form that will fade out and get closed while the user clicks the close button.
C# Custom Events Explained With Example
In this C# tutorial, we will create our own event using delegate. Then we will write a handler for the event in a different class, assuming we are the client of the custom event published class.
Multicast Delegate in C# With Example
In this article, we will create a multicast delegate in C# console application and explore how it works with examples.
Creating and Using Simple Delegates in C# With a Program Example
In this article, we will create a Simple C-Sharp Delegate and start using it from our Main Class.
An Example of Creating and Using Stack and Queue in C#
In this article, we will see how we can create an in-built Stack and Queue in C-Sharp. Then, we will start using the basic operations of Stack as well as Queue.